
Star wars dark side corruption
Star wars dark side corruption

Some Sith (the Dark Siders) such as Anakin Skywalker and Palpatine have yellow eyes. Why Are Yoda’s Eyes Yellow? Why Do Sith Have Yellow Eyes? In this article, we are going to delve more into why sith has yellow eyes, how Palpatine hid his Sith eyes, and why some do not have them. This happens whenever he removes his Chancellor mask. Senator Palpatine, a powerful character shows predatory animals like bright yellow eyes. Pong Krell, Savage Opress, Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul have the eyes.

star wars dark side corruption

While some such as Count Dooku and Yoda do not have the yellow eyes, Dark Siders tend to have them even if it is occasional. Whether you are watching trilogy or playing a game, you will find them interesting. They have characteristics and appearances that will keep you glued to your screen. They no longer have control of their feelings or actions. They gain ‘unlimited powers’ when they become devotees of the dark side of the force. Sith is an organization and the members must be corrupt. Star Wars is a popular trilogy and a favorite for many. There are different points of corruption by the Dark Side, and once they reach a certain point their eyes will turn yellow. Sith have yellow eyes because once they embrace the dark side of the force, their eyes will turn yellow.

star wars dark side corruption

This leads to the question, ‘why are sith eyes yellow? The level of immersion into the Dark Side plays a significant role in the color of the eyes. While some tend to have yellow eyes, some are ice-blue, while others are dark. With their red lightsabers and dark robes, Sith is stylish.

Star wars dark side corruption