You can now read the information unlocked for you by Paladin Ramos earlier. Quarantining the virus to those three terminals will result in an unlocking of all of the terminals for you to use. Doing so is easy all you have to do is jump around from the terminals to find the three with the virus actively on it. While you can use a considerable Science skill check to convince him of the solution, that won't stop you from still having to go through the motions of helping him fix the computer virus that's afflicted the system manually. Speak with him, and you'll learn that the computer system is currently down. You'll find him in the data hive surrounded by plenty of computers and subordinates alike.

The given text is on the computer system kept by Scribe Ibsen, who is back down in the depths of the bunker near McNamara's location. He'll tell you that he'll unlock some interesting information for you to read on the bunker's computer system, though you'll need to delve back into the depths of the bunker to read the text. Speak with him about the rumors of deposing McNamara, and he'll immediately suspect you've been speaking to Hardin. You can begin doing that by speaking with Paladin Ramos back up in his office by the entrance to the bunker. So the general idea is to follow up on Hardin's "optional" tasks before heading out into the wilderness to find the three missing convoys. Should you want to help McNamara, a lot of this walkthrough will still be helpful to you until the very end, but either way, know that that particular path isn't covered here.

That's the direction we went into in our walkthrough, so that's the path we'll take here.

Not surprisingly, siding with Hardin is going to bring the Brotherhood of Steel into your fold for the endgame as associated with the main quest known as Wild Card: Side Bets. Now, you can make whatever choice you want, either choosing to side with McNamara or Hardin.