GTA V Re-Sized takes the game's texture files, and compresses them to a significantly smaller size without losing quality. N8Gamez, MN8R01, Frey and decoded are a team of modders hell bent on making GTA V more optimized in order to increase performance on mid-range and lower end systems. As well optimized as it is, there is always room for improvement. However, you're not going to see any of that first hand if you don't drop some solid cash on hardware. In terms of scenery and objects, on ultra settings GTA V seems lifelike, with screenshots easy to mistake for photos. GTA V has been used by PC gamers as a benchmarking tool, seeing just what their machine is truly capable of. GTA V may be well optimized so that it runs pretty well on low-end rigs when set to medium or low settings, but venturing into the high and ultra ranges requires beastly rigs. Let's not even get into visual enhancement mods here, alright? However, visuals like that come at a hefty price. Neither time was is praised as much as it was when it launched on PC, where when turned all the way up the game's visuals blew everything out of the water. It was praised once more when it launched on current-gen consoles. New Reducing Lag Idea!GTA V was praised for its visuals back when it first launched on last-gen consoles. So come on! Join the community today totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right and join in the conversation. Only registered members can share their thoughts. This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. Add file and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. This mod is the one that Rikintosh made but I just re uploaded it Basically i didn't make it so give credit to him but I made the commandlines that work No files were found matching the criteria specified. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. No articles were found matching the criteria specified.

But shall not worry I won't stop answering all inconvenience on my mod. Remember the other news before this one? Well, dang! Thank you everyone for supporting this mod. On my next mods I'll try to lessen the Lag or make the game more optimized or even a different idea.